Publication plan
Title: AMG
positioning statement: your music guide.
Frequency of publication: after looking at my questionnaire results I have decided to release my music magazine every month. I chose this because about ¾ of the people who completed my questionnaire chose monthly.
Price: my original price was £3.75; however after looking at my questionnaire results I have released this might put my target audience off buying my magazine at such a high price. Therefore I have chosen to sell my magazine at £3.00
Distribution: my music magazine will be distributed in supermarkets, news-agents, music arenas and music shops.
Style: the style of my magazine will be informal and have a quirky style I will use humour and give opinions finally it will use medium/complex vocabulary. I plan to use NME as my guidance.
Regular content:posters – of bands, music artists (double page)
reviews – of Gig’s and cd’s this will enable my audience to help them on what to buy and what not to buy.
Top 40 – this weeks top 40 music songs this can invite all different type of music lovers to the magazine.
What’s new? – This will show my target audience who to look out for new cd releases or upcoming gigs.
Who is new? – This will show my audience who is new in the charts and who is going to be big in the next few months, this can also widen our genre.
Ask.... a question – our readers will be able to ask celebrities questions.
Calendar – the calendar will show when avadible tickets for gig’s are and how you can but them.
Competition – a different competition will take place each month, our readers will be able to win, gig tickets posters cd’s.
Feature content:exclusive interview – I will interview a celebrity on their gig, and what they have coming up. I will also ask them any questions that readers want me to ask them.
V festival 2011 and Glastonbury 2011 – we will give our readers a sneak preview on who is going to be playing in 2011
small interviews – we will have ‘5 minutes with...’ and ask them a set of questions to determine how famous they think they are.
Story behind... – there will be article behind a celebrity such as ‘Katy Perry’.
Vouchers for ticket master – Ticketmaster would like TMG to sponsor and as a thank you they have given us vouchers for our readers to win!
CD releases – we will have a feature article on who we think is the best album is and whose is not the best.
House style:
Cover lines: Arial Rounded MT bold
Headlines: Arial black
Stand first: corbel
Captions: Arial narrow
The first paragraph will feature a drop capital
News first paragraph: first small paragraph in bold
Body text: times new roman 11pt
Colour scheme: I have chosen quite dark colours such as black, white and I might incorporate grey and red as well.